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Teddy Bear Day Care

"Because We Care."

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About Us

Opened in 2019, we are a Private Nursery delivering high quality early education to children aged 3 months to 4 years for children on Sheppey and the surrounding area. 


Our highly qualified practitioners support, encourage and facilitate learning opportunities enabling our children to be confident and independent lifelong learners.


Our passion and expertise for the highest quality early education results in children leaving our setting with well-established personal and social skills as well as a love for learning.

Our Vision

“Because We Care”


Our Mission

To work in partnership with every family. Together, we can help every child reach their full potential.


Our Goals

We want everyone to feel part of a warm and welcoming community that is safe and nurturing.

We never stand still and are always working hard to ensure our children enjoy their day of learning because they are accessing a challenging, interesting and fun curriculum.

We aim for children to leave Teddy Bears well prepared for the next step in their learning journey and filled with happy memories from their time with us.

We want people to walk into Teddy Bears and share the passion that we feel for our family-friendly setting.


Our Values

We believe that every child  deserves a  champion!

We believe every child has the right to an exceptional education that provides opportunities to flourish and reach their potential.

Our staff know that every moment matters and every teachable moment counts in a child's education.

We aim that all of our children make exceptional progress and that no child is left behind.

We aim to establish good working relationships with parents and carers by respecting their knowledge of the child and using this to continue their child's learning journey.

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