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Teddy Bear Day Care

"Because We Care."

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Our Ofsted Inspection Report


As you may already know, Teddy Bears have been awaiting our first Ofsted inspection.

On Thursday 15th September 2022, an Ofsted Inspector, Cathy Greenwood, Arrived unannounced and joined the queue bright and early to inspect the nursery. Cathy recognised how 'Staff provide children with an exceptional range of activities that motivate them to learn'.

She complimented us on how 'Children make exceptional progress in their physical development'. And that we providing our children with a safe and secure environment for learning and growth. She has published some very lovely comments in our inspection report that we would love to share with you.

Cathy praised our team on how outstandingly they provide children

with an ambitious curriculum. She said The team have a clear vision to provide a homely, calm, sensory environment that supports all aspects of children's learning and development extremely well.

Cathy couldn't praise us enough for how well we support children with SEND. She said they 'receive exceptional support and are fully included in all activities.

We are ecstatic to announce that our inspection report has now been published and we have been granted.



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