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Teddy Bear Day Care

"Because We Care."

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SEN Support


Here at Teddy Bear Day Care, we have staff trained to identify and support children’s additional needs, and many have experience of supporting a range of needs. We have a member of staff responsible for SEND (the special educational needs coordinator, or 'SENCO').

We provide a range of activities to stimulate and engage children’s minds, using their interests in an environment where the children feel loved, supported and nurtured.

We have created a sensory room which is a therapeutic space with a variety of equipment that provides children with special needs with personalised sensory input, this helps these children calm and focus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others.


Once registered, your child will be invited to a show around of our nursery where they will then be assigned to a Key Group. The Key Person will support your child throughout their journey with us. They are there to promote the development of your child and are trained to identify any needs or support your child may require, while providing regular updates on your child’s progress and offering any support that may be required by the family to help support the development outside of the nursery setting.

Once your child has started with us their Key Person we arrange ‘Settling in’ calls, normally in weeks one and six, to discuss how they have settled in with us and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions. If your child is identified as having special educational needs, your child’s key person will work in partnership with you, to ensure the right and relevant support is gained and consistent progress is achieved in both your child’s development and external service providers.


We work with many different services and professionals such as


Specialist Teaching and Learning Services

Speech and Language




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Useful Links for SEND:
KELSI: Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) in Early Years

SEND Local Offer
SEND Guide for Early Years


Useful Links
